Make breakfast easy and delicious with these Pumpkin Spice Overnight Buckwheat Groats! It’s as simple as combining the ingredients in a jar and sticking it in the refrigerator overnight. Wake up to a nutritious and filling breakfast that tastes like pumpkin pie! This recipe is gluten free, dairy free and refined sugar free.

A common feeling I have experienced since my celiac diagnosis is being left out. It’s not anyone’s fault or ever done on purpose but it’s the result of certain foods being off limits. That’s where the inspiration for this Pumpkin Spice Overnight Buckwheat Groats recipe came from. If you haven’t noticed, overnight oats are all the rage right now. I used to love oatmeal and the overnight versions that are constantly filling my Instagram feed always look so delicious!
Although oats are gluten free, many people with celiac disease don’t handle them well and I happen to be one of those people. So, I wanted to create an easy yet delicious overnight breakfast recipe that mimicked this new fad and that’s how this recipe was created! Although buckwheat is becoming more popular, it’s still not as well-known as some of the other gluten free alternatives. That’s why I’m answering all the questions you might have about it in the rest of this blog post! If you have any questions that I don’t answer, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll be sure to answer it!

What is Buckwheat and is it healthy?
Buckwheat is considered a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel. It’s often labeled as a superfood because it’s rich in fiber, protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. As a result, there can be many health benefits to eating buckwheat, such as reducing blood sugar, improving heart health, lowering cholesterol and improving digestion. Of course, even with these benefits the true determinant of whether or not it’s healthy comes down to your body. Everyone reacts differently to certain foods and buckwheat is no different. I personally can handle it with no problem, but that won’t mean that it will work for you.
Is Buckwheat Gluten Free?
Despite its name, buckwheat does not contain any wheat and is naturally gluten free. With that being said, this is one of those foods that is often made in facilities that also produce wheat. So, if you are following a strict gluten free diet, make sure you are buying safe buckwheat. My favorite brand is Bob’s Red Mill because they test and confirm it’s gluten free in their quality control lab! For more information about cross contamination, check out my post here.

Is Buckwheat a Grain?
This is where things get a little tricky. I researched this in depth to understand whether or not buckwheat is a grain because I have heard mixed answers. Technically buckwheat is a fruit seed and not a grain. It is considered a pseudocereal which means it’s a seed from non-grass plants that is typically eaten and used as grains. As a result, it is often labeled a grain. Examples of other pseudocereals include chia seeds and quinoa. So, the answer is two-fold; buckwheat is not a grain in the sense of what plant it comes from but is often labeled as a grain based on how it is consumed. In my personal experience, I couldn’t do grains for years but I could handle buckwheat. Again, it all depends on what works best for you!

Does Buckwheat taste the Same as Oats?
There is definitely a difference between buckwheat groats and regular oats. I find that buckwheat has a similar consistency and taste as steel cut oats. They are actually pretty mild, which makes them a great option for recipes that add flavor to them (like this one)! The biggest difference between groats and oats is the consistency. Oatmeal gets mushier while the groats are more soft and chewy and stay in that pellet shape similar to steel cut oats.
How to Make Overnight Buckwheat Groats
To make these Pumpkin Spice Overnight Buckwheat Groats you will need the following ingredients…
- Buckwheat groats
- Coconut milk
- Vanilla extract
- Cinnamon
- Pumpkin spice
- Pumpkin puree
- Maple syrup
- Chia seeds
Now that you have the ingredients, making this recipe is so easy! Simply add all the ingredients into a medium sized air tight container and mix together until they are combined. The buckwheat groats will usually fall to the bottom once you stop stirring which is okay. Place the lid on the container and keep in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Wake up to a bowl full of delicious pumpkin spice overnight groats and enjoy!

How to Store Left Overs
The left overs can easily be stored in the air tight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. The longer they are in the refrigerator, the softer the groats become.

If you enjoyed these Pumpkin Spice Overnight Buckwheat Groats, check out my Five Minute Breakfast Bowl! As always, make sure to tag me on Instagram @theglutenfreegrasses if you try this recipe!
Pumpkin Spice Overnight Buckwheat Groats (Gluten Free & Dairy Free)
Course: BreakfastDifficulty: Easy2
1/2 cup buckwheat groats
3/4 cup coconut milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon pumpkin spice
3 Tablespoons pumpkin puree
1 Tablespoon maple syrup
2 Tablespoons chia seeds
- Add all the ingredients to a medium sized air tight container and stir together until combined. Place the container in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Remove from the refrigerator and enjoy!